Faith Beyond Belief

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We Need To Talk

Dear believers,

I think we need to talk. I’m concerned about you. I’m concerned about us.

Aren’t you?

“But what are we supposed to be concerned about?” I hear you cry. I could be referring to any of the latest calamities: the climate crisis, perhaps, or overpopulation, or Canada’s federal election. But no. I’m referring to an even deeper crisis that will destroy us in its wake if nothing is done.

It’s a societal floodwater that takes many forms—the innocuous email signature I’ve received that specifies the sender’s pronouns (she/her, in this case); the ambiguity of intimacy and sex in our kids’ sex-ed classes; the question my daughter asked me yesterday when I told her I was heading to work to talk about abortion, “Will you tell the people how sad it made the baby?”

This crisis has many different names, including diversity and inclusion, neo-Liberal morality, the post-Sexual Revolution era, and the era of Pride and uninhibited freedom. I prefer to call it the sex crisis. By that I mean sexuality generally, including such things as the LGBTQ flood and the porn epidemic. Please allow me to share a few examples with you:


●      American youth are using over a hundred descriptive identities to define their sexuality, such as identifying as a ‘demisexual biromantic’ or a ‘bisexual greyromantic’

●      Recent drag queen story hours at public libraries have included stripping and eerie screaming that echoes possession

●      Pedophilic relationships are openly celebrated as seen in this photo of a 10 year old drag kid posing with a nude drag queen several times his age

●      Porn-induced injuries are skyrocketing in youth

●      Conversion therapy bans are paving the way for state monitoring of prayer and the loss of charity status for organizations who embrace Christian values

Need I go on? The trajectory of this crisis ought to be seriously troubling, especially for we who follow Jesus Christ. Believe it or not, it is already accepted fact that the four aspects of sexuality (gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation and sexual identity) may, and often will, operate independently of each other. Despite psychology experts such as Dr. Ann Gillies and Jordan Peterson proving the falsity of this idea, public policy, education and healthcare professionals are basing culture-threatening decisions on this fundamental error. In future blogs I will unpack in more detail the many fabrications upon which the Sexual Revolution was based.

If we believers meekly allow society to adopt these damaging and false taxonomies without a fight, then we have already surrendered our souls and our children to the culture. Without the fundamental mercy and protection of Judeo-Christian standards of sex, our society will, much quicker than you think, become unrecognizable and frightening.

Because this, my dear friends, is where the Western world has arrived. We Christians have been told that the Bible’s explanation of human sexuality is incompatible with human dignity and flourishing.

Where were we while the pillars of Western society gave way?

We were working hard with our heads down, wanting to be left alone, avoiding confrontation or else hiding, feeling ill-equipped to respond.

We exchanged the Great Commission for a Great Omission, a silence we now have to fill. Now is the time to turn the tide back to God and His infinite wisdom. So, bow your heads in prayer, embrace uncomfortable conversations, and hide only in Christ, being bold and confident that He is the One who gives us words (Matt. 10:19-20).

The next time you find yourself in a quiet moment with a stranger, pray “Lord, help me now”, and push past the fear and nerves to ask them a very simple question. It could be something like this:

            Sir, I’ve been thinking about my kids’ futures lately and I would love an outsider’s opinion. Do you think I need to be concerned about what they’re taught about sex when they’re away from home?

It may seem counter-intuitive to ask such a question. But remember, it ought to be our goal to learn another’s worldview so that we can know how to love them. Asking a question such as “How did you come to that conclusion?” can keep the conversation on the right road.[1] Only when we understand their story, their experience, can we begin to pray more specifically for the conversation God has put us in. Most importantly, remember this: These conversations are God’s will for us. We must speak to people in the world, and when we talk to them, we must simultaneously pray to keep in step with the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). You can think of it as always carrying on a horizontal and vertical conversation, the first with people and the second with God.

Godspeed as you get started. We are in this together! If you send an e-mail to that includes the words “Colette essential books,” I will send you an essentials book list on these topics.

God bless you. FBB wants to equip and prepare you for everyday conversations about Christian sexuality and many worldview topics. Book a speaker today.

[1] An amazing resource with more examples of exploratory questions is the book Tactics by Greg Koukl. (Purchase it through us and receive a discount!)