Le projet de loi 21 et ses problèmes Faith Beyond BeliefMay 7, 2019quebec, bill 21, democracy, separation of church and state, faithComment
Bill 21 Must be Destroyed Faith Beyond BeliefMay 4, 2019quebec, bill 21, democracy, separation of church and state, faithComment
Why Atheism is Inherently Irrational Faith Beyond BeliefApril 25, 2019faith and reason, rationality, atheism vs christianity, supernatural Comments
No Place to Stand: A Look at the Shifting Sands of Mormon Ethics and Theology Shafer ParkerApril 5, 2019Comment
The Bible Keeps Its Promises—Two Boys In the Temple Shafer ParkerDecember 31, 2018christmas, bible, promises, shafer parker, jesus, kingship, Psalm 2, Abraham, Sarah, Samuel, GabrielComment