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Please note that all FBB Speakers will be unavailable from April 25 - May 1 and August 6-13, 2022.
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Any topic from our Worldview Course or Identity Project Course, can also be given as one-off presentation
Worldview and Christian Belief Discussions:

Many Canadians reject the idea of having a faith because of how they define the word. They think faith is belief without evidence, or even in spite of evidence. In this presentation, we’ll discuss how the biblical view of faith is really a matter of trust. We will show how the Christian faith provides good reasons for why you can trust the Bible as God’s word.

In this presentation, we examine the Apostle Paul’s statement in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that we are ambassadors for Christ. We’ll discuss what that means, and how embracing the role of ambassador can help Christians live out their faith in everyday conversations.

Many Canadians assume that it is arrogant to say that your faith or religion is right or true. Others, such as atheists, argue that their view is neutral and needs no defense. Instead, it is theists who must make the case for God. In this session, we’ll explore how defining the word, “worldview” helps explain why everyone has a view they must defend, and that having the right worldview matters.

Speaking about faith and truth to a post-modern generation is harder than ever. In this presentation, we’ll learn the basics of what it means to be Christ’s ambassadors and provide tactics on how we can speak to a culture that is openly hostile to faith.

Atheists often claim that while they do not have to defend their beliefs, theists must since they are making a positive case for God. In this presentation, we examine how atheism is a worldview that also makes claims that need explanation. We’ll look at three things atheism assumes it cannot explain: the beginning of the universe, moral absolutes, and free will (this can also be used for formal debates).

Over 90% of Canadian Christians have grown up in the church. This means most Christians live and fellowship in a safe environment, and many have a hard time speaking to those outside the community. Worse, Christians often act as if their faith is merely one subculture among many others. In this presentation, we examine how Christians need to move beyond a safe subculture and present their faith as the only comprehensive worldview, a way of understanding every part of reality. As Christian author Nancy Pearcey says, we need to explain how Christianity provides the “total truth.”

Cold case detective and former atheist, J. Warner Wallace warns the church that we have to stop teaching students. We need to start training them. Training is not just giving information but providing ways to use that information effectively. In this session, we talk about why it is essential for Christian educators to train their students to be effective ambassadors for Christ.

There are many ways to share the Christian faith and Christians have been trying all kinds of methods to speak to an increasingly hostile culture. Unfortunately, it seems most Christians rarely share their faith today. In this presentation, we’ll explain how Christians can be encouraged to share God’s good news again. We will explain how the Great Commission actually comes in two parts: making disciples and teaching those disciples everything Jesus taught. Because each part is necessary, we must then present the gospel as good news about the real world and how Christ is at the center of that world.

If you’re like us, you can’t help but look at the headlines and grieve over how fast our culture is rejecting God’s good design for our lives. Confusion over gender, truth or the value of life is harming so many Canadians. In this presentation, we’ll look at how God has always found ways to redeem even the worst of sinners and then use them to transform broken cultures. We’ll examine God’s perspective in our times and show why we can have reason to hope.

Cultural and Moral Discussions:

In this presentation, we examine the arguments for abortion, gender fluidity and other popular issues, particularly, those arguments based on human rights. We’ll discuss where human rights come from and explain how the Christian worldview provides the best explanation for the existence of these rights.

The question of abortion is complicated in many ways. Morally speaking however, it boils down to just one question: What is the pre-born? In this session, we’ll learn how to answer that question so that both Christians and non-Christians can understand that abortion is an inhumane violation of human rights (this can also be used for formal debates).

Many abortion advocates argue that the pre-born child may be human but can’t be a person. In this presentation, we’ll examine what makes human beings valuable and how we can refute arguments that dehumanize the human child in-utero by showing that “a person is a person, no matter how small” (this can also be used for formal debates).

This presentation discusses how God designed us for four kinds of love: Agape, Eros, Storge and Philia love. Each love is essential to human flourishing but each love is not interchangeable with the others. We’ll discuss how God designed intimacy for both people of the same and opposite sex and how each meet different love needs. We’ll also address how to respond to a culture that has sexualized all these loves.

Christians are confronted by many questions on gender identity. What is gender? Is gender the same as sex? How do we interact with the transgender community? But the most important question we need to ask is, how can we share the unchanging truths of the gospel in these transitioning times? In this presentation, we examine how the gospel invites everyone to find their identity in Christ, whatever their perceived gender identity.

How can Christians navigate discussions on sexuality and gender identity when friends or family members come out as gay or transgender? How do we speak on gender and sexuality issues with grace and truth? It starts with understanding what real biblical love looks like and trusting that God’s commands on gender and sexuality are both true and good. In this presentation, we will look at how we can truly love our LGBT neighbours in our everyday conversations.

Today, discussions on sexuality and gender assume that sexual identity must be a primary part of who we are. In this presentation, we examine what identity is and explain how God offers an identity found in Christ. This talk serves as our introduction to the Identity Project.