Video Podcasts


July 7, 2023

Many observers are aware that something is wrong with the modern church, especially when compared to previous centuries. Unlike previous centuries, it lacks the power to impact society in any specifically Christian way, it wins few souls to Christ, it cannot hold its members' children, and the members it does hold are increasingly like the rest of the world in practice, if not in belief. Worst of all, it has no idea where to turn for solutions. But now, in this podcast FBB speaker/writer Shafer Parker suggest there is a tried, but true solution, a return to God through repentance and supplication. Specifically, it is time the Western Church repents of rejecting God's Word in order to deliberately build its faith and practice on nothing but the Bible.


June 29. 2023

Canada's governments are diligently coercing doctors and nurses, not to mention family members in the cause of euthanizing as many Canadians as possible, even to the point of making an exception in the Criminal Code for professionals who serve the cause of death. Bottom line, if you are old, or chronically ill, and you go to a hospital, there will be a coordinated effort to pressure you to accept Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). But Alex Schadenberg, International Chair of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, is now offering a Power of Attorney for Healthcare document that will protect you. Listen to a discussion between Schadenberg and FBB host Shafer Parker on why this document can make all the difference in your future.

June 21, 2023

By now most churchgoers are accustomed to “woke” statements and behaviours coming from traditionally “liberal” churches. It is no longer shocking, for instance, to see a United Church flying rainbow flags and hosting so-called pride month events. But surprisingly, some of Canada’s most conservative denominations are beginning to move in the same direction. Listen and watch as FBB host Shafer Parker interviews two long-time Alberta pastors who are resisting the woke agenda promoted by their denominational leaders. Learn what you can do to discern the state of your own church in the ongoing battle to maintain loyalty to Biblical truth.


Ted Kluck is a professor, author, coach and co-host of the Happy Rant Podcast. Jon interviews Ted about his new book, The Happy Rant: Wandering To and Fro Through Some Things That Don't Matter All That Much(and a Few That Really Do). Along the way, they discuss sports, journalism, teaching, writing, Christians engaging culture, falling out of love with the world and the importance of involvement in your local Church. You can find out more about Ted's podcast and new book at

Gen-Z leaving the faith? Jon interviews Leigh McLeroy, one of the creators of Darkroom, on the questions and doubts facing a new generation and what that means for those in leadership. How can we remain biblically faithful in a rapidly shifting culture and teach teens to do the same?


Join Shafer Parker for a special live podcast with Angelina Ireland as they discuss the role of Christians in end-of-life care.

FBB’s Director of Content, Shafer Parkers interview with Bridge City News


Faith Beyond Belief is a Christian apologetics ministry seeking to train, give out resources and provide educational events for equipping ambassadors effectively in Christ.

Canadian culture has embraced more than just material celebrations of Christmas. It’s increasingly embraced a secular moral standard for what Christmas is, embracing a spirit of giving, peace, and of course, love but all without Jesus. In our next Everyday Conversations Live Podcast, we’ll hear from Christian apologist and Ph.D. student, Logan Gates from Ontario. We’ll discuss how we can remind ourselves while showing others, that Christmas is all about Immanuel, God being with us.


November 28, 2021

Jojo Ruba interviews NBC Dateline Cold Case Investigator and renowned Los Angeles detective, J. Warner Wallace, about his new book: "Person of Interest" where Wallace set out to disprove or prove the existence of Jesus Christ without relying on "Bible Scripture". Be prepared to be shocked!!! Is what you believe really true when you look at the cold hard evidence???

February 3, 2022

Sheldon Andreas is a bi-vocational Medicine Hat pastor and truck driver. He is reporting live from Ottawa in order to clarify what's going on, as well as discuss the principles that have driven these hard-working men to take their controversial stand.

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