Apologetics and Unbelief: What Happens When They Meet Shafer ParkerJune 18, 2020Faith Beyond Beliefapologetics, Sentinel Apologetics, Robert Rowe, Hunter Bailey, Douglas Groothuis, Bible study, Big Bang, evolution, scientific consensus, theistic evolution, Scripture, spiritual sight, anthropology, human anthropology, omniscience, resurrection, historical evidence, fallen nature of man, hymns, gospel, spiritual blindnessComment
Society rethinks its rejection of Christianity Guest UserJune 10, 2020Faith Beyond Beliefatheism, human rights, blessed society, worldview, Judeo-Christian tradition, piano lessons, Steven Covey, Seven Habits, religion, the West, Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, author Tom Holland, freedom of belief, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, crucifixion, Rome, Iraq, human history, brotherhood of man, cultural Christians, Douglas Murray, Christian atheistComment
Not Ashamed Jojo RubaMay 27, 2020Faith Beyond Beliefconversion therapy, Calgary City Council, conversion therapy bylaw, sexual identity, hope, transgender, homosexual, same-sex, counselling, identity in Christ, the cross, eternal perspective, chastity, good God, reality, apologetics, persecution, sexuality, celibacyComment