Blogging Gashmu: From Whence Cometh Love and Justice? Shafer ParkerAugust 10, 2023Faith Beyond BeliefDoug Wilson, Moscow, Idaho, Christ Church, Gashmu Saith It, Gashmu, Nehemiah, Bible Study, church, society, gospel, preach the gospel, save the world, church membership, likemindedness, loyalty, the church, leadership, spiritual gifts, fruit of the Spirit, Hebrews, I Corinthians, devil, devil's trick, first importance, lesser importance, EphesiansComment
Blogging Gashmu: Three Necessities for Christian Community Shafer ParkerJuly 27, 2023Faith Beyond BeliefDoug Wilson, Moscow, Idaho, Christ Church, Gashmu Saith It, Gashmu, Nehemiah, Bible Study, church, society, gospel, preach the gospel, save the world, church membership, likemindedness, loyalty, the church, leadership, spiritual gifts, fruit of the Spirit, Hebrews, I Corinthians, devil, devil's trick, first importance, lesser importance, EphesiansComment
We’re doomed! No, we’re not! Shafer ParkerJune 8, 2023Faith Beyond Beliefhope, eschatology, MIT, doom, end-of-the-world doomsayers, catastrophic climate change, biological warfare, chemical warfare, cyberattacks, data theft, ecological collapse, pandemics, asteroid collisions, artificial intelligence, nuclear warfare, economic depression, Great Tribulation, J. N. Darby, communism, Old Testament, New Testament, Ezekiel, Revelation, Temple, Bible Study, Church, prophets, I Corinthians, Ephesians, Pentecost, Dead Sea, Jordan Valley, Holy Spirit, purposeful living, Christian Worldview Comment
The Historical Reliability of the New Testament Shafer ParkerApril 5, 2023Faith Beyond BeliefNew Testament studies, Biblical studies, progressive Christianity, Pentateuch, Moses, Isaiah, Matthew, apostle Paul, John, The Revelation, Romans, I Corinthians, marriage, sexual morality, women's rights, salvation, reconciliation to God, xenophobia, misogyny, Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, F. C. Baur, John A. T. Robinson, Redating the New Testament, Jonathan Bernier, Rethinking the Dates of the New Testament, Alisa Childers, Be Ready Conference, The Little White Lies of Progressive Christianity, Biblical authority, Biblical inspirationComment
Where Does the Christian Stop Believing? Shafer ParkerOctober 25, 2022Faith Beyond Beliefevolution, D. A. Carson, Francis Schaeffer, Tony Reinke, The Gospel Coalition, Genesis, Genesis 1-11, essential elements of the Christian faith, Biblical inerrancy, Bible study, St. Paul, I Corinthians, Romans, the gospel, Biblical coherence, Biblical truth, logic, Christ, Jesus Christ, Word of God.Comment