Esther Still Speaks Shafer ParkerSeptember 20, 2022Faith Beyond BeliefEsther, book of Esther, totalitarianism, Persian Empire, Ahasuerus, Xerxes, Mordecai, Haman, pogrom, Jews, trust, faith, "If I perish, I perish, " science, scientism, Islam, Muslim lands, Promised Land, theology, Bible study, hope, sovereign God, providence, covenant, covenant promises, better promises, Old Testament, New TestamentComment
Four Conversations to give us hope Shafer ParkerMarch 20, 2020Faith Beyond Beliefgospel, apostles, Acts, Cornelius, baptism, tongues, everyday conversations, salvation, angels, evangelism, Jews, circumcision, repentance, eternal life, grace, faith, prejudice, Bible study, hope, LordshipComment