Capitalism Is Selfish and Immoral, Isn’t It? Shafer ParkerSeptember 17, 2020Faith Beyond BeliefJon Steingard, Hawk Nelson, contemporary Christian music, apostasy, Bible study, hope, depression, apostle John, apostle Paul, the new birth, born from above, born of the Spirit, born of God, renewed mind, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, communism, capitalism, economics, theology, salvation, judgement day, Jesus, relationships, business school, history, morality, ethics, selfishness, generosity, Sermon on the Mount, Good Samaritan, sharing of possessions Comment
Do You Know the Peace that Passes Understanding? Faith Beyond BeliefSeptember 9, 2020Faith Beyond BeliefJon Steingard, Hawk Nelson, contemporary Christian music, apostasy, Bible study, hope, depression, apostle John, apostle Paul, the new birth, born from above, born of the Spirit, born of God, faith, renewed mindComment
Do Renewed Minds Yield New Hope Shafer ParkerSeptember 2, 2020Faith Beyond BeliefJon Steingard, Hawk Nelson, contemporary Christian music, apostasy, Bible study, hope, depression, apostle John, apostle Paul, the new birth, born from above, born of the Spirit, born of God, faith, renewed mindComment
Did the Lethbridge City Council just cancel freedom of speech? Guest UserAugust 27, 2020Faith Beyond Beliefconversion therapy, bylaw, conversion therapy bylaw, Lethbridge, Lethbridge City Council, pornography, same-sex attraction, suicide, Christian worldview, faith community, torture, homosexual, homosexual behaviour, obstruction of justice, democracy, sexual identity, LGBT, LGBT community, gang rape, internet porn, pornography addiction, sexual assault, sexual health Comments
Of Beatles and Saviours Faith Beyond BeliefAugust 12, 2020Faith Beyond BeliefThe Beatles, Abbey Road, Golden Slumbers, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize, ontology, epistemology, morality, ethics, Bible Study, salvation, sin, Jesus Christ, God, Theology, transhumanism, terraforming, planetary engineering, Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth, forgiveness, justice, sacrifice, the incarnationComment